VMware: Number of virtual devices exceeds the maximum for a given controller


By cloning of my my vCenter VM I get this error: “Number of virtual devices exceeds the maximum for a given controller”



  1. Convert template to virtual machine;
  2. Edit settings of virtual machine;
  3. Choose correct network for template;
  4. Convert virtual machine to template;
  5. Try to deploy new virtual machine from template to see if it works correct again;


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15 thoughts on “VMware: Number of virtual devices exceeds the maximum for a given controller

  1. Release any CD/DVD IOS iamges and Floppy Images assigned to the Virtual Machine before trying to Cloning and Migrating the VM from HOST to HOST. We will not get this error…

  2. I get this error when I click on “Edit Virtual Hardware” at the end of the deploy wizard and change the network that the NIC is connected to. I stopped editing the hardware from within the wizard and the problem went away.

  3. @effinay
    yes. you’re right. but it is not a solution going that way. If I have to deploy 5 or 6 virtual machines which I have to integrate to a domain during the deployment. If I deploy with the wrong network than I have to change all manually to the right network. Too much time get lost doing that. In VC 2.0 with ESX 3.5 everything worked fine.

  4. This is a feature of vSphere 4.0! [sarcasm].

    For some reason the developers messed up and broke this when developing vSphere 4.0. In VI3 you are able to successfully clone a new virtual machine and change the network in the process. In vSphere 4.0 your template must have the same network as the new VM you are trying to deploy. This is why they left the “experimental” text next to the check box when doing this…so you can’t blame them! (Also the same reason Google calls everything a ‘beta’)

  5. We got this error when creating a VM with the -async parameter (job is processed in background and control is given back to the console) then attempting to use the new-hardrive cmdlet before the machine was created. Fix was remove the -async parameter to on the new-vm cmdlet

  6. effinay :
    I get this error when I click on “Edit Virtual Hardware” at the end of the deploy wizard and change the network that the NIC is connected to. I stopped editing the hardware from within the wizard and the problem went away.

    Same solution. In clone operation does not select Edit virtual Hardware!

  7. This article was posted August 21st, 2009. Today as of my post, it’s 3/31/2011. In all that time VMWare could not come up with a fix for this? OK, so if they don’t have enough time, or desire to fix it, then just remove the stinking “Edit virtual hardware” checkbox on the clone wizard. These people astonish me.

  8. Experienced the same issue. Thanks for the heads up – Edit Virtual Hardware seems to be the culprit, but it has worked many times in the past.

    Are we positive that this is truly the problem; or is it merely a symptom?

  9. Had the same issue, finally after a few tries found that if I didn’t make any setting changes to the hardware the cloning went through. Afterwards I made my changes.

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