VMware: There is a problem authentication into the legacy vCenter Server using credentials provided by the user


During upgrade VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0 (based on Windows 2012R2) to 6.0.0 I received a warning message:

Error: There is a problem authenticating into the legacy vCenter Server using the credentials provided by the user.

Resolution: Check if vCenter Server is up and running. Double check provided vCenter Server credentials


Some troubleshooting:

  • All VMware vCenter Server Services are started
  • No warnings/errors in Microsoft Event Logs during setup
  • I can logon at the vSphere webinterface with credentials administrator@vsphere.local
  • When configure wrong SSO password in setup the setup says "The vCenter Single Sign-On credentials are not valid. Check the username and password and try again"
  • I can ping domain controller VMpros.local
  • I canceled the setup and generated a support file, at the time I received the warning message this setup log was generated, so far, nothing special:

MSI (c) (40:88) [17:15:28:813]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\ADMINI~1.VMP\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI7329.tmp, Entrypoint: LaunchUpgradeRunnerPreUpgradePhase
MSI (c) (40!C8) [08:23:44:055]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying PreUpgradeComplete property. Its current value is ‘0’. Its new value: ‘1’.
MSI (c) (40:D0) [08:23:47:186]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying SSO_PASSWORD property. Its current value is ‘**********’. Its new value: ‘**********’.
MSI (c) (40:D0) [08:23:47:267]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying VC_5X_PASSWORD property. Its current value is ‘**********’. Its new value: ‘**********’.
MSI (c) (40:D0) [08:23:47:288]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying PreUpgradeComplete property. Its current value is ‘1’. Its new value: ‘0’.
MSI (c) (40:D0) [08:23:47:305]: Doing action: VM_LaunchUpgradeRunnerPreUpgradePhaseAsync



Reboot the vCenter Server… I restarted the setup and the installation can continue.. weird!

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1 thought on “VMware: There is a problem authentication into the legacy vCenter Server using credentials provided by the user

  1. I encountered same issue and found the time sync issue between the SSO (PSC) server and VCenter server.

    I corrected the time and then it accepted the password.

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